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Eima Show

An event dedicated to
mechanization field trials
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Eima Show India 2015

Pune (India, State of Maharashtra), May 20th to 22nd 2015g>

The third edition of the Eima Show India was held May 20th to 22nd in Pune, in the Indian State of Maharashtra where dynamic trials of agricultural machinery and equipment focused this year on viticulture and horticulture.

The event was organized by the Italian Federation of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers, FederUnacoma, through the FederUnacoma Surl service company, in cooperation with the Emilia Romagna Region and the collaboration of the IICI, Indian-Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and FICCI, the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

The demonstrations were staged at the Pune National Research Center for Grapes under the aegis of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, in canopy vineyards on land for open field trials with eleven manufacturers taking part.

Following the trials, BtoB meetings for the manufacturers and local business people were set up by the Indian-Italian Chamber of Commerce in the headquarters of MCCIA, the Mahratta Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Pune.

The State of Maharashtra is India’s major producer of grapes, table and wine grapes, with about 80% of the land area under these crops (equal of more than 118,000 hectares) with production at 2 million tons out of a national total of 2.5 million tons). Table grapes account for 70% of production, 28% is for raisins and 2% for wine production. Maharashtra State is also India’s second producer for fruit and seventh for orchards production.